Microsoft Partner License Agreement

Microsoft Partner License Agreement: What You Need to Know

As a Microsoft partner, it`s crucial to understand the Microsoft Partner License Agreement (PLA) to ensure compliance with licensing requirements and avoid potential legal issues. The PLA outlines the terms and conditions for using Microsoft products as a partner, including licensing requirements, product usage rights, and limitations.

In this article, we`ll provide an overview of the Microsoft Partner License Agreement and discuss some of its key provisions.

What is the Microsoft Partner License Agreement?

The Microsoft Partner License Agreement is a legal agreement between Microsoft and its partners, which outlines the terms and conditions for using Microsoft products in their business operations. The purpose of the PLA is to ensure that Microsoft partners have the necessary licensing rights to use Microsoft products and services and are compliant with their licensing requirements.

The PLA applies to all Microsoft partners, including independent software vendors (ISVs), original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), and service providers. It covers a wide range of Microsoft products, including Windows, Office, SQL Server, and Azure.

Key Provisions of the PLA

The Microsoft Partner License Agreement contains several key provisions that all partners should be aware of. Here are a few of the most important ones:

1. Licensing Requirements – Partners are required to have valid licenses for all Microsoft products they use in their business operations. This includes both internal use and use in products and services that they sell to customers.

2. Product Usage Rights – The PLA outlines the specific ways in which partners can use Microsoft products. For example, it may limit the number of installations, restrict the use of certain features, or dictate which types of customers can use the product.

3. Compliance – Partners are responsible for ensuring they are compliant with the terms of the PLA. Microsoft may conduct periodic audits to verify compliance, and non-compliance can result in penalties, termination of partnership status, or legal action.

4. Intellectual Property Protection – The PLA includes provisions to protect Microsoft`s intellectual property rights. Partners are required to use trademarks and logos according to Microsoft guidelines and may not engage in any activities that infringe on Microsoft`s patents or copyrights.

How to Get a Microsoft Partner License Agreement

To obtain a Microsoft Partner License Agreement, partners must enroll in the Microsoft Partner Network. This program provides resources and support for partners, including access to product licenses, technical support, and marketing tools.

Once enrolled, partners must sign the PLA to gain the necessary licensing rights for Microsoft products. The PLA is typically signed online through the Microsoft Partner Agreement Portal, where partners can review the terms and conditions and accept them electronically.


The Microsoft Partner License Agreement is a key component of the Microsoft Partner Network, ensuring that partners have the necessary licensing rights to use Microsoft products and services. It`s important for partners to understand the provisions of the PLA and ensure compliance with its terms to avoid potential legal issues.

If you`re a Microsoft partner, be sure to review your PLA and ensure that your licensing is up-to-date. If you have any questions or concerns about your licensing requirements, contact Microsoft support or your Microsoft Partner Network representative for assistance.