Regulation 57 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015

Regulation 57 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 is a crucial provision that governs the use of framework agreements in public procurement. Framework agreements are often used by public authorities to establish a list of pre-approved suppliers for specific goods and services, with the intention of streamlining the procurement process and achieving greater efficiency in public spending.

Under Regulation 57, framework agreements must be established in a fair, transparent, and non-discriminatory manner. This means that any supplier who meets the selection criteria must be allowed to participate in the framework agreement process, and that the selection criteria must be clear, objective, and not designed to favour any particular supplier.

In addition to these fundamental principles, the regulation also sets out specific requirements for the content and structure of framework agreements. For example, framework agreements must clearly state the scope of the agreement, the duration of the agreement, and the pricing mechanism that will be used. They must also establish a clear process for call-off contracts, which are the individual contracts that will be awarded to individual suppliers once they have been selected for the framework agreement.

One of the key requirements of Regulation 57 is that all suppliers who are selected for the framework agreement must be treated equally. This means that they must all be given the same information about the agreement, and that they must all be given the same opportunity to bid for call-off contracts. This helps to maintain a level playing field for all suppliers, and ensures that the procurement process is fair and transparent.

Overall, Regulation 57 is an important provision that plays a critical role in ensuring that public procurement is conducted in a fair and transparent manner. It helps to promote competition, efficiency, and value for money, while also protecting the interests of taxpayers and ensuring that public authorities operate in a responsible and accountable manner. As such, it is essential that all stakeholders involved in public procurement are aware of the requirements of Regulation 57, and that they work together to uphold its principles and achieve its objectives.