Agreements for Classroom

Agreements for Classroom: Creating a Positive and Productive Learning Environment

The classroom setting is an essential learning environment where students and teachers interact and collaborate to achieve academic success. However, it’s a place where everyone comes with different backgrounds, perspectives, and personalities, which can sometimes lead to conflicts and disruptions in the learning process.

To avoid such situations and promote a positive and productive learning environment, setting up agreements or ground rules for the classroom is essential. In this article, we will discuss what agreements are, why they are important, and how to create effective agreements for your classroom.

What are Agreements for Classroom?

Agreements, also known as ground rules, are a set of guidelines that govern the behavior of all individuals in a classroom. They help to establish expectations and boundaries and promote a positive and collaborative learning environment. Agreements are a collaborative effort that involves all members of the classroom, including students and teachers.

Why are Agreements Important?

Agreements help to create a learning environment that is conducive to learning and growth. They promote mutual respect, open communication, and positive interactions among all members of the classroom. When everyone agrees to abide by the same set of guidelines, there are fewer misunderstandings, conflicts, and disruptions, which ultimately leads to a more productive and engaging learning experience.

Creating Effective Agreements

To create effective agreements, it is essential to involve all members of the classroom, including students and teachers. Here are some steps to follow:

1. Start with a brainstorming session: Invite all members of the classroom to share their thoughts and ideas on what they think should be included in the class agreements. This can be done through group discussions, surveys, or even online tools like Padlet or Google Docs.

2. Narrow down the list: After gathering all the ideas, narrow down the list to the most important and relevant ones. Agreements should be concise and easy to understand for everyone in the classroom.

3. Phrase the agreements in positive terms: Agreements should be stated in a positive manner to promote positive behavior and attitudes. For example, instead of saying “no bullying,” phrase it as “respect everyone’s thoughts and opinions.”

4. Post and review the agreements regularly: Once the agreements are created, post them visibly in the classroom and review them regularly with the students. This will serve as a reminder for everyone to abide by them.

Sample Classroom Agreements

Here are some sample agreements that can be used in a classroom:

1. Respect everyone’s thoughts and opinions

2. Listen actively to others when they are speaking

3. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself

4. Use appropriate language and tone with each other

5. Complete all work to the best of your ability

6. Be on time and prepared for class

7. Follow classroom procedures and routines

8. Be honest and take responsibility for your actions


Setting up agreements for the classroom is an effective way to promote a positive and productive learning environment. By involving all members of the classroom and stating the expectations and boundaries in a positive manner, students and teachers can work together to create a space where everyone can thrive and achieve academic success.