Subject Verb Agreement Practice Questions

Subject-verb agreement is an essential element of writing that often gets overlooked. Understanding and using it correctly can make your writing more professional, clear, and effective in conveying your message. As a professional, I have come across numerous writing pieces where the subject-verb agreement is not up to par. In this article, I will provide you with subject-verb agreement practice questions that will help you improve your writing skills.

1. The group of boys (is/are) playing football in the park?

The correct answer is « are. » Even though the subject is « group, » the verb should agree with the noun « boys, » which is plural.

2. My sister, as well as her friends, (enjoys/enjoy) watching movies on weekends.

The correct answer is « enjoys. » The subject is « my sister, » which is singular, and takes a singular verb. The phrase « as well as her friends » is separated by commas and does not affect the subject-verb agreement.

3. Either the cat or the dog (is/are) responsible for the mess.

The correct answer is « is. » In this sentence, we have two subjects, « the cat » and « the dog, » but they are connected with « either, » which means we need to use a singular verb.

4. Neither of the students (has/have) submitted their assignments yet.

The correct answer is « has. » The subject « neither » is singular, and we need to use a singular verb.

5. The team, along with their coaches, (is/are) traveling to the tournament next weekend.

The correct answer is « is. » The subject « team » is singular, and the phrase « along with their coaches » is simply an additional detail and does not affect the subject-verb agreement.

6. One of the boys (has/have) a broken arm.

The correct answer is « has. » The subject « one » is singular, and we need to use a singular verb.

7. A group of ducks (swim/swims) in the pond.

The correct answer is « swim. » The subject « group » is singular, but the noun « ducks » is plural. In this case, we need to use a plural verb.

8. The news from last night (is/are) shocking.

The correct answer is « is. » The subject « news » is singular, and we need to use a singular verb.

9. The population in some cities (is/are) decreasing.

The correct answer is « is. » The subject « population » is singular, and we need to use a singular verb.

10. The teacher, along with her students, (was/were) present at the meeting.

The correct answer is « was. » The subject « teacher » is singular, and we need to use a singular verb. The phrase « along with her students » is additional information and does not affect the subject-verb agreement.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of effective writing. By practicing with these subject-verb agreement questions, you can improve your writing skills and ensure that your writing is accurate, clear, and professional. Remember to pay attention to the subject in the sentence and always match the verb with the subject in number and person.